Wednesday, November 26, 2008

21 Ways to Make Your Diet 100% Easier from Fitness magazine

21 Ways to Make Your Diet 100% Easier from Fitness magazine

By Hallie Levine
Small tweaks to your diet can make a huge difference -- and these 21 painless fixes will make weight loss even easier.

Diet Drinks, Scheduled Eating

We're with you: Dieting is no picnic. But here's a little secret -- it's not nearly as hard as most of us think. "A lot of women believe they need to change everything, but in reality small tweaks to your diet can make a huge difference," says Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. We've got 21 absolutely painless little fixes, culled from the latest research and the country's leading weight-loss experts, to make dropping those pounds as easy as 1, 2, 3, and beyond.

1. Say So Long to Soda
Every diet soft drink consumed each day could increase your risk of being overweight by 65 percent, according to a study presented at the American Dietetic Association. Other research suggests that artificial sweeteners may actually stimulate appetite, causing you to overeat. Instead, sip plain or sparkling water with lemon added for flavor.

2. Eat Like Clockwork
Women who eat erratically consume more calories and burn them less quickly than those who have six regular small meals each day, according to a British study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Don't go more than three or four hours without eating something.

3. Become a Tea-Totaler
Green tea not only has about half the caffeine of coffee but also contains catechins, which may boost your metabolism. A recent Japanese study found that people who drank a daily 11-ounce bottle of green tea lost 5.3 pounds after three months, while those who drank regular tea lost only 2.9 pounds. If you find green tea too bitter, consider one of the new green teas flavored with fruit essences. Most have no calories and just the right kiss of sweetness, says Blatner.

Diet Plans, Supermarket Know-How

4. Dust Off the Grapefruit Diet
Eating three servings of grapefruit a day (either half of a whole one or a cup of juice) for 12 weeks could help you lose just over three pounds, according to a recent study. "It helped lower insulin levels, which can contribute to weight loss by reducing appetite and encouraging fat burning," explains study author Ken Fujioka, MD, director of nutrition and metabolic research at Scripps Clinic in Del Mar, California.

5. Pack in the Protein
A University of Washington study found that doubling up on protein could help you eat less without feeling hungry. "Protein may make your brain more sensitive to leptin, a hormone that helps you feel full," says study author Scott Weigle, MD, a professor of endocrinology at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Make sure at least a third of each meal and snack is a source of lean protein.

6. Shop Around, Literally
The center aisles of your local supermarket are loaded with highly processed, sugary, and fatty foods. "The first couple of outer aisles is where you'll find all the fresh produce, dairy, and seafood," explains Oz Garcia, PhD, a nutritionist in New York City.

7. Buy To-Go Veggies
"Most of the vegetables in your fridge should be as easy to pop into your mouth as a potato chip, which means they should be precut and prewashed," says Bethany Thayer, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. Same goes for fruit. "And keep them at eye level in your fridge, so they'll be staring you right in the face when you open the door."

8. Get Some Sleep
People who sleep seven to eight hours per night are leaner than those who get only five or six hours, according to research from Laval University in Quebec. "When you're sleep-deprived, your body produces more stress hormones, which may increase your appetite," explains Michael Breus, PhD, cofounder of Sound Sleep Solutions in Atlanta. Having trouble nodding off? Consider hitting the treadmill before, not after, work: One study done at Seattle's Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center found that women who exercised in the a.m. fell asleep faster at night than those who did a p.m. workout.

9. Shop from a List
"Never go to the grocery store without a master list, which provides insurance against impulse buys," suggests Donald Hensrud, MD, an obesity specialist at the Mayo Clinic. And never, ever shop when you're hungry.

10. Stock Up on Frozen Shrimp
"I always have a bag or two in my freezer," says Ellie Krieger, RD, a New York City nutritionist and author of Small Changes, Big Results (Clarkson Potter, 2005). "I add them to stir-fries and pasta or sometimes just serve them with cocktail sauce as a snack." Bonus: At 84 calories per three-ounce serving, shrimp has about a third the calories of chicken and about half that of sirloin. Food snobs, take note: Frozen shrimp is often fresher than "fresh" because it's frozen just after it's caught.

Snack Sizes, Cooking Tips, Calorie Savers

11. Count to 100
These days, everything from potato chips to yogurt to ice cream is being rolled out in 100-calorie snack sizes. "You may have to pay more than if you bought an economy size bag, but the smaller portions mean you'll end up eating less," says Barbara Rolls, PhD, a professor of nutritional sciences at Pennsylvania State University.

12. Look What Brown Can Do for You
"Instead of refined and processed white foods, aim to have whole-grain starches such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat breads and bran cereals," says Blatner. For the most part, the browner the food, the higher the fiber, which spells w-e-i-g-h-t l-o-s-s. According to a 2005 research review, increasing consumption of dietary fiber is critical to losing weight, because it helps you feel fuller and decreases absorption of calories from other food sources. Some easy adds: Sprinkle two tablespoons of a high-fiber cereal such as Kellogg's All-Bran Bran Buds into your yogurt (5 grams); substitute whole-grain bread for white in your turkey sandwich (2 grams), and throw a half cup of white beans on top of your salad (6 grams).

13. Revisit Your Skillet
Successful dieters eat out fewer than two and a half meals per week on average, according to the National Weight Control Registry. If you're strapped for time, simply nuke a frozen dinner. A recent University of Illinois study found that dieters who followed a meal program that included two frozen entrees a day lost more weight than those who followed the USDA Food Guide pyramid. "Frozen dinners serve as a form of portion control, so you don't overeat," explains Dr. Hensrud. Look for entrees with fewer than 400 calories each: Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers, and Uncle Ben's Rice Bowls are all good choices.

14. Have a V8 While You Cook
"I've had clients come in complaining that they can't lose weight, but then I find out that they're taking in hundreds of calories while preparing dinner," says Blatner. "Every little 'taste' counts!" Her tip? Sip a Low Sodium V8 juice. "It's only 50 calories per serving, but it will keep you feeling satisfied and stave off hunger pains so you're less inclined to snack," she explains. (The new Calcium Enriched V8 makes it easier to protect your bones, but that's another story!) Hate V8? Chew gum to keep your mouth occupied.

15. Switch to Salsa
"I have clients spoon it on everything -- baked potatoes, veggies, even chicken or salmon," says Thayer. "It's a serving of veggies that gives otherwise bland diet staples a little flavor and zest." The calorie savings are worth it: Two tablespoons of salsa instead of sour cream on a baked potato, for example, saves 42 calories and five fat grams.

16. Feel the Heat
"When food is warm, its molecules move around faster, which means it will have a stronger smell," explains Alan Hirsch, MD, director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago. The result: The aroma affects the satiety center in your brain, leading you to think that you've eaten more than you have, so you feel full faster. In addition, if your food is hot, you'll be forced to eat it more slowly, which will give your stomach time to signal to your brain that it's full

Craving Cut-Downs, Taste-Bud Distractions

17. Brush It Off
Brush your teeth or rinse your mouth right after you have a meal or a snack to quell the urge to keep nibbling. "It's both a physical and a psychological signal to your body that you're done eating," says Blatner.

18. Name That Craving
"One reason women overeat is that they don't hit their food craving right on the head -- they keep bingeing until they're finally satisfied," explains Blatner. Ask yourself what you really want: Salty? Sweet? Smooth? Crunchy? "Food cravings can be broken down into four categories," says Blatner. "If you are craving sweet and crunchy, try a mini bag of popcorn mixed with a little bit of artificial sweetener or even sugar. If you want sweet and creamy, opt for a light vanilla yogurt. If you're thinking about something salty and smooth, try a couple of pieces of low-fat string cheese; if you really want salty and crunchy, try a handful of dry-roasted nuts or soy nuts."

19. Fill Your Glass
Optimists are more likely to eat fiber-rich foods such as fresh veggies, salad, and fruit, and less likely to be overweight, according to a Finnish study published in the journal Appetite. "Eating right and exercising seems to be second nature for them," explains Bruce Rabin, MD, PhD, medical director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's Healthy Lifestyle Program. Happily, it is possible to shake away your pessimism. "The next time a negative thought pops into your head, force yourself to come up with something positive to replace it," says Dr. Rabin. If you practice this often enough, it will eventually become an automatic response.

20. K.I.S.S. (Keep it Simple, Sweetie!)
People who eat a variety of foods, even low-fat ones, are more likely to have trouble keeping weight off than those who rely on a few diet staples, according to a National Weight Control Registry study published last May. "When people have a wide range of foods in front of them, they generally eat more," explains study author Holly Raynor, PhD, RD, an assistant professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown Medical School/the Miriam Hospital. The study showed that the most successful weight losers consistently consume just three to five staples from each food group, switching them around occasionally to prevent boredom.

21. Distract Your Taste Buds
Visions of Godiva flooding your head? Before you rush out to buy a box, try deflecting your attention. New research from Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, has found that the more vivid your mental image of a particular food, the more likely you are to crave it. But there's plenty you can do to tone down those visual cues. Researchers found that randomly flicking through images on a computer screen or, to a lesser extent, listening to a speech in a foreign language, was enough to distract students from their food cravings. Anything that engages both your eyes and your mind -- like playing Sudoku -- should help, say researchers.

5 Ways to Make Weight Loss Easier

This is what I've read at

5 Ways to Make Weight Loss Easier

Don't we all long for a lifestyle that makes weight loss easy? I don't think the effort is ever easy, but it can be made easier by following a few easy concepts.

We all need as much help as we can get, when it comes to making weight loss more manageable. Here are 5 tips for making weight loss easier:

1. Focus on what you CAN eat, instead of what you need to limit. Avoid deprivation by choosing lots of high fiber/high water foods - like fruits and veggies - that help you stay fuller longer. Foods with abundant fiber and water give you more volume, without adding extra calories.

2. Get enough sleep. When you're sleep deprived, you tend to eat more, to "feel more energized". Also, you're more likely to lose mental focus and discipline from fatigue (well, fried zucchini IS a vegetable after all). Aim for 7 hours nightly - and power nap on days you can't. If you're routinely getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night, it's time to evaluate your life balance.

3. Learn to eat for hunger, not the clock. This is a tough one, and forces us to get back in touch with our biology. Figure out if you're a 3 times a day eater, or feel more comfortable dividing those 3 meals into mini-meals of 6 times a day. Avoid meal skipping, which makes you over-hungry for the next meal. Pace yourself, and avoid eating to the point of being "stuffed". Aim for contentment, knowing that you could eat more.....but will choose to do it later.

4. De-stress before you eat. Most of us don't have time for stress-reducing classes - even more to pack into one day! Try to relax before eating, to avoid gobbling down everything in site when you do eat - the dreaded mindless eating. If you take a minute or two before eating - you can gain control and mental focus before the meal - and whether it's a few deep breaths, or a short walk, or a phone chat - you've made a transition to your meal. That can only help your mealtime control.

5. Limit processed foods. Convenience foods may be easy, but are often loaded with hidden fat (and calories!), and loads of salt. While extra salt can give you temporary weight change on the scale - both "gain" (more salt) or "loss" (less salt), looking at the salt content of packaged products is a hint to the high calorie ingredient to which high salt is often linked - fat. Choose less processed foods - and limit both calories, salt, and fat. Convenience can be found in some calorie controlled products. Read the labels to be an informed consumer.

Having a healthy lifestyle for longer Life...

Having a healthy lifestyle for longer Life...

I guess I am now concern to myself for losing some weights. For healthy life and I think for loving myself too. Getting insecure to some people who had great personality outside had a factor on this. Even I believe that beautiful people can be measured on their inner side but there's a factor to be considered. Not only being fit but also being healthy is the key to have a longer life. I have much concern right now on how I can survive my life which full of vices , polluted environment and non-healthy foods.

Being seated all day long at office I must go out to my daily routine. I remember how my beloved father and responsible aunt died in early age. My father died at age of 62 but I still think that he too young... he looks healthy at that morning. But I only got text message in the afternoon that he is already at the hospital fighting for his life. The doctor said he had a heat stoke (some nerves in his head was being damaged and there's a blood clotting) I've seen him suffered in coma for 6 hours and he passed away. Is that easy life will gone nowadays?

My auntie Thelma at age of 49 diagnosed and operated her breast cancer. Even though she stay for about 6 months before she died but I guess that was the help of her chemotherapy. She still young, because I've seen her throughout my life since then. She stayed in our house because she's an old maid (the typical one). She's strong, determined, disciplined and well mannered woman. Being supportive to us was her legacy in terms of financial while we are schooling at that time.

Is this a phenomenon of life nowadays?

"Life is so short" ... Is this talks really the truth?

"No pain, no gain" So, this afternoon I will attend my first work-out at gym in downtown. I always pray that this will help me strong, healthy and have a long life to be with my love ones...
Because I love my wife, daughter, mother, siblings, friends, relatives,companions and most especially myself...

Ciao for now....

Monday, November 5, 2007

Five (5) lessons about the way we treat people.

Five (5) lessons about the way we treat people.

1 - First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady.

During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until I read the last one:

"What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?"
Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name?

I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.

"Absolutely, " said the professor. "In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say "hello."

I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.

2. - Second Important Lesson - Pickup in the Rain

One night, at 11:30 p.m., an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rain storm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car.
A young white man stopped to help her, generally
unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960's. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxicab.

She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached.

It read: "Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along.
Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away... God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others."

Mrs. Nat King Cole.

3 - Third Important Lesson - Always remember those who serve.

In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.

"How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked.

"Fifty cents," replied the waitress.

The little boy pulled is hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in it.

"Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired.

By now more people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient.

"Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied.

The little boy again counted his coins.

"I'll have the plain ice cream," he said.

The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies..

You see, he couldn' t have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.

4 - Fourth Important Lesson. - The obstacle in Our Path.

In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the
King for not keeping! the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.

Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the
person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand!

Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

5 - Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts...

Many years ago, when I worked as a vol unteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare &serious disease. Her only
chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister.

I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, "Yes I'll do it if it will save her." As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded.

He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, "Will I start to die right away".

Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.

"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody's watching."

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I’m so haggard and spent ! Ask me why ?

Kiss And Make Up Day [ Aug 25 ]

We fight like cats and dogs at least thrice in two days. Of course, she is always right, even when she is wrong ! Yes. It has become a routine nowadays. I and Aaliyah are growing up traditionally as any other good couple does.

We had set a date to meet yesterday night and she never showed up. Her excuse was, she fell asleep in the late evening and just slept all the way through, until morning. Wow ! I was justifiably fuming and didn’t call her. Of course, she came calling in the evening.

I beckoned her in and showed the couch. All set for a chat, when she asked, "Bob, you just don’t keep your place tidy, do you ?"
"Hmmm.... you are all the way here to ask this, right ?" I retorted.
"Hey, I just wanted to kill time and that's it!" She gave back.
"Oh Yeah ! I’m an walking Late Night Show host !" I was hurt.
"I walked around a mile, searching your place" she confessed.
"That's not my damn problem" I was angry.
"You talk shit!" she roared.
And I threw the Diet Coke I had in hand like an enraged pitcher and it bounced all over the room, scattering the silence to shreds.
She started crying; yes, literally, tears were flowing down her cheeks. Is she this sensitive ?! I sat beside her, "Hey Aaliyah, I’m sorry..."
She was still crying, if anything a bit louder. I took her hand, bent my head and gave her a tentative kiss on the back of the palm. She cleared off the tears on her cheeks, leaned on my shoulder and whispered,
"You kissed me ?!"
"No, I dropped my lips accidentally on your hand"
"You kissed me?!" again...
"Yeah ?!" How should I react here...I was stammering...
"Kiss me" She said.
"What ?!" I was confused.
She moved her face near mine. Her lips were half open, her eyes piercing mine; I kissed her on the lips ! When the lips gave way for the tongue to speak, she said, "I hate you" and smiled.
"I too !" I said happily.
Then, the sweet-nothings started.........

Kiss And Make Up Day [ Aug 25 ]

Toilet Paper Day [ Aug 26 ]
Toilet Paper Day [ Aug 26 ]

On our trip to Macy’s, we happened to hit a diner to have a bite. I and Steve hit the restroom as our bladders were full after the warm beer....Anyways, we were there and what did I see...“We Aim To Please, You Too Aim, Please!“
Hmmm....I shouldn’t have read it during my performance (?), you see, I started breaking into a giggle and in a jiffy, I had soiled my trousers. Sure enough, everyone’s gonna think it was an accident. I had to wait out for a while, but no signs of drying....what do I do ?! Some luck...I jus don’t have a magical horseshoe to wipe off my misery ! Peeled off a good meter of toilet paper from the roll, and set out to dry. Well, when I came back to the table...there were squeals of laughter. Why wouldn’t it be ? The white-tissue savior of mine was all over the trousers in tiny pieces, making up a collage of embarrassment. Sigh ! This Toilet Paper Day I am sure Steve and Meggie are gonna bombard me with cards, reminding me of my misadventure...!

Dog Day [ Aug 26 ]

Kong, my pet poodle, is the cynosure of all eyes when strangers come calling. Of course, you know he is too smart to be a dog. I mean, as we all know he is up to tricks all the time. Of course, I rant about it one and all and made him look a villain in the minds of my pals. But when they are here and wanna see some fun, he becomes so cool and cozy. If I yell, “Bang“ “Bang“....he will play dead invoking shrieks of amazement from my buddies. be fair....he isn’t that bad, you know...In the mornings when I’m still dozing away to glory, he sneaks into my room, snuggles next to me and just waits and waits till I open my eyes...I mean, he wouldn’t even try to lick or paw...but just wait. And I thought he was a five-sensed one ! He’s a buddy, my Kong. This Dog Day, he’s gonna get whatever he wants. Of course, he doesn’t bark orders, but I know the drill. The usual : Juicy bones to long walks. Yes, Kong, I hear you, you got it !

Dog Day [ Aug 26 ]

Commercial Day [ Aug 28 ]
Commercial Day [ Aug 28 ]

I and Meggy were friends before Steve hit it off with us. Listen up people, this is how I and Steve met for the first time.

Megan had invited me over to dinner and had told me that she will be introducing me to her friend Steve. And so I went hands in pockets, empty pockets, to feast. Meggy introduced me to Steve and the dinner was fabulous. When we were almost done and ordered the dessert, Meggy got a call from a friend. Her friend has had an accident and the 911 caller had directed an ambulance, which had taken her to a hospital. Now, hearing the news, Meggy was in a hurry to go. And we urged her to move on and there she went. I and Steve settled into our rhythm of slow talk, sipping the black coffee when suddenly it struck me. I don’t have enough money to pay the check. I heard later, Steve too realized the same at the same time. So, I thought upon an idea. I started to go slow on the coffee. I mean, I started to sip it real slow so that I wouldn’t be through with my ordeal of finishing the dinner and if Steve is through first, he has to pay. Of course, as with all like-minded idiots, Steve too hit up on the same plan. So there we were, pretending to sip one cup of coffee for an hour until Meggy came to save us. Hmm.... this is how Steve entered my life. No wonder....the geeky goose is still a pain albeit a sweet one.

Gimme your ear…

Send An Email Day [ Aug 9 ]
Send An Email Day [ Aug 9 ]

Kong is computer-savvy ! Yup…smirk at your own risk. He poses to the webcam better than any human. When Kate hits the keys to chat with studs all around the globe they get to see Kong along with her in the cam. Talk about security. Naturally, all the handsome hunks looking for a gala time turn all decent and good. He has even mastered the art of hitting the Enter key with his rough paw. Whenever the screen blinks to life, be rest assured that Kong will be there striking a pose. And you should see Kate email her anonymous admirers. She composes something like this,

Hey Bud,

You look cool on the cam, but what about the tattoo on the arms eh ?! Looks like a gal’s name ?! Is it Kellie ? Grow up Big Boy ! And take care of your voice…never talk to a girl when drunk…you literally choked saying your name….too much partying eh ?!

Of course, forget about a date….if you insist, Kong is too keen to accompany me, wanna take a bet ?!



Indeed. There’s never a reply to her mail. Hmm…one smart Kate, what say ?!

Romance Day [ Aug 11 ]

Did I ever mention Jenny to you people ? Nah ! Bad…hmmm….she is the One who made Steve ditch the aliens and stars, albeit for a while. You know something’s fishy when our lazy Steve wears the perfect pair of sneakers and has his turtle neck attire zipped right. Ask him and his index finger fondly points to Jenny…the babe ! Yup ! She has the gift of the gab, the dressing sense of a model, which literally translates to “barely clothed” and to top it all, she has a French accent, beat that !

Of course, Steve found everything sexy about her. He even managed to ask her out. Hmm…that’s something…I’m proud of my buddy. But, give it to Steve to a perfect evening into a catastrophe. Well, it began right. He took her to dinner and then after the dessert, they ordered drinks ! Perfect. You see, drinks after dessert leaves the options open…! Smart ! But, then…Jenny went, “Steve, can we hit the floor, I feel like a dance.” Now you should know, Steve has hundred left foot and he can barely walk straight, forget dancing…but our boy was too proud to decline, so he accepted…just not that…he went a step ahead, “So…how do you trace the floor ?” Jenny queried sarcastically…and Steve blurted, “Salsa...yes, salsa…” Don’t know where it came from, maybe the movies…and guess what ? Jenny was impressed….she took the lead and stepped on the floor…and Steve…yeah…he literally traced the floor and moved so fast that he danced with every lady on the floor, of course, except Jenny…you see, she was floored, I mean literally sprawled on the floor by one of his quick “moves.” When the moment passed, you could see him hoisted on the bar table like a flag pole. Need say ?! Jenny scooted.

He just vanished. I mean, he didn’t take calls, neither did he meet anyone…he just vanished in thin air. We didn’t have a choice, but to meet Jenny. I, Megan, and Ron passed on his vanishing act and she was upset too. I mean, she said, she was naturally put off for making a fool of himself and her, but he wasn’t that bad…in fact, he is cute ! Hmm…girls have weird taste, I thought. Anyways…a week had passed and our Steve reappeared. You know what he did…he threw a party and invited all of us in. And once the dinner was through…he took Jenny by hand and breezed his way through salsa, mesmerizing everybody…the naughty little brat has gone on hibernation, just to learn the steps and resurrect his romance…Jenny was floored…well…!

Romance Day [ Aug 11 ]

Son And Daughter’s Day [ Aug 11 ]
Son’s And Daughter’s Day [ Aug 11 ]

Mrs. Bradley is kindness personified alright and when it comes to her Son, Michael, who’s serving in Iraq, she gets teary-eyed. She dabs the tissue so often that jump starts your own lacrimal glands, well, they produce the tears (just parading my high IQ). She seats herself in the garden, surrounded by her favorite primroses and just sews and designs something on a milk-white Larry King-like suspender supported attire. Of course, it touched me when I cared to peek on her masterpiece. It turned out that she has embroidered her son’s name in the middle of the shirt “M - I - C - H - A - E - L” with a heart sign at the bottom. “How’s it Bob ?! Will Mike like it ?” she queried. “Of course, Mrs. Bradley, he is gonna like it and tell you what…send it to him on Son And Daughter’s Day, it will make his day.” And so she did. She thanked me profusely for reminding her of the day and yeah, folks, the day where the family needs to unite is beckoning, so gear up and have some fun with your old man and mom.

Financial Awareness Day [ Aug 14 ]

Aaliyah has exactly a few hundred plus things in her purse and of course, she can count and name them precisely. And my wallet has as its proud occupants, nothing but cash and cards. She knows I am a spendthrift and I give a damn. Well, there comes a rainy day, you see, and I went broke; couldn’t even afford a double brick ice cream for her. She didn’t take offense, but considered my plight and sat me down for a dressing down.
“Bob, you jus’ don’t need to spend it all you know… …

“Hey, Aaliyah…look, I’m not like that okay ?!” My male ego hurts.

“No Bob, that’s not what I mean…listen…let’s put it this way…you spend as much as you want, but just keep a record of everything and just go over it at the end of the month…please, baby, listen to me, wont you ?!

When was the last time a guy said “No” to a beautiful girl ?

“Okay, but I don’t see a point…still, since you ask” Of course.

One month passed and I religiously kept an account of things…when I sat down to go over it…well…what do you call that….hmm…a “damned fool” right ?! That’s how I felt. I mean, I had fooled around with hard-saved greenbacks on frivolous things and by God, wasn’t she right…leave it to the girls to splurge and save !

I learnt my lesson….how about you guys ?! It’s Financial Awareness Day. Now, you got an option, either manage your money or turn over the accounts to your beloved and just sit back and relax. It works !

Financial Awareness Day [ Aug 14 ]

Vroooom ! Screech ! Bob’s in a gala mood buddies…search me !

Friendship Day [ Aug 5 ]
Friendship Day [ Aug 5 ]

Yeah ! Our gang goes berserk given a chance, but we are touchy too when it demands. Imagine Megan, the livewire, going cliche dramatic. Hmm…hell broke loose when Steve, ever-the-inquirer, popped the question, “Meggy honey, who’s your best pal of the lot ?” and rolled his eyes and winked too for extra effort and rolled his eyes for brownie points.

And Meggy started with a preamble, “Everyone of you guys !!” Sigh ! Girls ! They never choose ! “Come on, Meggy…that’s not fair,” I opined. “Nah ! Bobby, it’s just that way, I just can’t single out; each one of you has been there for me when I needed it the most. What are friends Bob ?! See, I am not flattering you all, okay ?! Winked* hmmm…Steve has put off all his eccentric ways to stand by me when I had a feud with my friend and Ron, “the chef-who-serves-himself,” had gone starving just to be with me when I was down and blue after I lost my first job, and you, Bob, you have stood down your ego for me when we both knew that I am perfectly wrong in an argument, but still, since I was mad about something, you just listened and let me pour and curse….I don’t crave for dollar dreams guys, but friends like you….bottom line, “You were there !” Happy Friendship Day folks !

I thought we were all dead, I mean, I didn’t hear or see anyone breathe…! We just gang-hugged her, wished, and screamed…Ohmigod !….She really can give you goosebumps !

Cards For Sister [ Aug 5 ]

My sis Debbie, the smart one, used to be quite a prankster…yes, you heard that right…she can beat me hands down at that any day. When Uncle John gets us our routine Black Forest Cakes, it’s for us to share. Of course, she being the elder, she gets to decide the portions. Decide, she does and how ?! She gives me the bigger cut coz I am young and she is a grownup…(her logic) and once time to savor…she finishes her share fast and comes to mine. Hey, Bobby…just gimme a bit okay…I got another one in the fridge…and so I share only to find there is nothing in the fridge, forget the cake. I make a scene crying and ranting and then hit the bed. Debbie is not all that wicked, you know…when I wake up the next morning…I would see a Good Morning note with a plump piece of cake with my favorite apple pie. Happiness happens when you least expect it and it’s one of those moments. She would’ve emptied her piggybank just to get back to me….oh ! how I love my sister and this Cards For Sister Day I am gonna make sure she gets the most beautiful cards ever received….remember, it’s time to wish your partner in crime of old days, wink* wink*

Cards For Sister [ Aug 5 ]

Say ‘Cheese’ Day [ Aug 7 ]

Say ‘Cheese’ Day [ Aug 7 ]

Trust Ron to deliver !

Well, this incident happened, last Say ‘Cheese’ Day and you know how our perpetual foodie celebrated ! Of course, he read between the words and chose cheese….yup, you guessed it right. “Cheers !” he went…yes, he had popped a bubbly open and the champagne was flowing with rhythmic clink of the glasses. Ah ! the cheese ?! It was right there as a prop. Hear his reasoning, “Bob ! Science Man, pure unadulterated Science !”
“Oh, Yeah ! (sure)
Of course, Bobby, it’s just that you know, the cheese forms an extra coating in the liver” “So…” (tough to keep up with the reasoning of a drunkard until you’re as much drunk) “Use your imagination Bob…the extra coat…gives you more space and capacity…you see…you stand sober even after two six packs” he beamed !
“Voila, Ron, you’re a genius !”

Well…he never talked about the digestion part…you see…he threw up twice and nose dived from the sprawling bed to the floor….had a black eye ‘coz of brawl with me….Science ! Pure Science ! “Good Morning, Ron !” He didn’t bother to respond….Can’t blame him…!

Prank Night [ Aug 8 ]

You all remember what Steve did last time in the mall, right…?! He literally blackmailed me of repeating the same this Prank Night if I don’t treat him right. Do I have a choice…? He almost got me bankrupt ordering all the goodies and pampering himself. And to top it all, literally, he took me on an elevator ride in the mall to the top floor where there is an observatory to view the creatures of the sky. Whatever ! But the trouble was not at the top, but on the way up ! Yes, he started his games in the elevator. When someone entered in the first floor, he smiled at me and said, “I told you.” The lady gave us a troubled look. Three more people got in the second floor. Then he moved to the rear of the elevator, turned on his back, and announced, “Bob ! There’s a backdoor here !” His antics were too much to bear so I had to hold by chain grasp and threatened to hurt him bad. Trust Steve to pull a prank even in a closed box. Grrrrrrrr…..I sure will get back to him for this…

Prank Night [ Aug 8 ]